
Good Start in 2013

Today I played my first tournament in 2013. I won the II. Móra Kupa rapid tournament, with 7/6,5 points, one point ahead of the second.

The final ranking:

A short summary about my games:

Csonka Balázs - Márton Attila 1-0: In a Volga-Benko gambit, I held my extra pawn, and converted into win.

Márta Dominik - Csonka Balázs 0-1: My opponent played a rare line, but I managed to equalize without any problem. In the middlegame, he made a slight mistake, so I could eliminate his dark-squared bishop. Later, with a small tactical trick, I scored the full point.

Csonka Balázs - Bagi Lajos 1-0: The classical QGD with 4...Be7 has arisen. Somewhere I made a mistake because my opponent could advance his pawns on the queenside. Later on, in an equal position, he played g7-g5??, opening his king's position, which was an obvious mistake. Some moves later, black's position collapsed.

Ábel Lajos - Cs.B. 0-1: In a London System (d4,Nf3,Bf4), I could change his black-squared bishop with Nh5, so his centre was more vulnerable. Also, the knight on h4 was out ot play. All in all, it was too much for white, and in a time-trouble, I outplayed him, and won.

Cs.B. - Fekete Martin 1-0: In a "boring" Slav, I seized the initiative, and got a "good knight vs. bad bishop" ending. After some inaccuracies from both sides, I won.

Berta Sándor - Cs.B. 1/2-1/2: My opponent played a tricky line in the Caro-Kann, and I couldn't remember all the details. I got a worse position, but with a long struggling, I held.

Cs.B. - Karsai István 1-0: Black played a dubious move order in the opening, and I could put my knight on d6. Of course it was very dangerous for Black, so he sacrified a pawn to get some counterplay. I successfully defended the position, and converted my material plus to win.

                                             Some other picture from the tournament:

                                                         with Juhász Barbara :)

                                                         Finally, a group photo :)